Kristína Horizralová, Lucia Kleinová, Miroslav Betuš, Martin Konček, Peter Rusnák
Evacuation of a person in the event of an emergency at the nuclear fatality
Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Montanistica Slovaca
DOI: 10.46544/AMS.v29i3.07
Klíčová slova: Evacuation, accident, nuclear power plant, emergency.
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and combating accidents or incidents at nuclear facilities. It is also
intended for detecting, mitigating and eliminating the consequences
of releases of radioactive substances into the environment during the
handling of nuclear materials, radioactive waste or spent nuclear fuel
and during the transport of radioactive materials, and ensuring the
collective protection of the population. The evacuation of persons is
an issue that has been closely and directly linked to the civil
protection of the population and the system of protection against
accidents and fires for a long time. In the field of protection against
the effects of accidents and fires, the legislative term evacuation of
persons is used. In the field of crisis management, legal regulations
work with the term evacuation of the population. The population
means all persons in places threatened by an emergency, with the
exception of persons who will participate in rescue work, manage the
evacuation, or perform other activities related to eliminating the
consequences of the emergency. In many situations, evacuation of
persons is a necessary process that can prevent loss of human life
threats to health and the environment. The evacuation process is
modified in practical applications into a number of different forms.
The standard procedure, which involves quickly leaving the
endangered area in the event of an emergency, does not fully express
evacuation in its entirety. This mainly concerns evacuation processes
associated with the threat of radioactive substances.