Miniaturization of Power Dividers by Using Asymmetric CMRC Structures and QWLTs with Low-Cost Materials

S. Kittiwittayapong, D. Torrungrueng, K. Phaebua, K. Sukpreecha, T. Lertwiriyaprapa, P. Janpugdee

Miniaturization of Power Dividers by Using Asymmetric CMRC Structures and QWLTs with Low-Cost Materials

Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Radioengineering Journal
DOI: 10.13164/re.2024.0349

Klíčová slova: Power divider, quarter-wave transformer (QWT), quarter-wave-like transformer (QWLT), compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC)

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Anotace: This paper presents the miniaturization of power dividers using asymmetric compact-microstrip-resonant-cell (CMRC) structures employing low-cost materials based on a quarter-wave-like transformer (QWLT). The proposed CMRC-based QWLT power divider is intended for operation at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, utilizing the FR-4 print circuit board (PCB) with a dielectric constant of 4.3 and a substrate thickness of 1.6 mm. The CMRC dimensions include a width of 5.32 mm and a length of 8.52 mm. It is found that a significant 50% size reduction of length is achieved compared to a conventional power divider, while maintaining an insertion loss (IL) of 3.3 dB, as well as achieving the return loss and isolation loss of 20 dB.