Ján Sládek, Miloš Rusnák
Bezpilotné systémy vo fyzickej geografii
Číslo: 4-5/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2017.4.1
Klíčová slova: UAV, geografie, 3D model, mapování, UAV, geography, 3D model, mapping
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The paper deals with the usage of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in the field of physical geography and geosciences. It
begins with a short historical overview of the UAV development, continues with an introduction of an unmanned aerial
vehicle as a tool for geosciences and also outlines a legislation of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic concerning the
proper UAV usage. The last part of the paper offers several examples addressing scientific and commercial projects in which
UAVs were used.
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begins with a short historical overview of the UAV development, continues with an introduction of an unmanned aerial
vehicle as a tool for geosciences and also outlines a legislation of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic concerning the
proper UAV usage. The last part of the paper offers several examples addressing scientific and commercial projects in which
UAVs were used.