Eva Höschlová
Úvod do analýzy relačních maticových dat pomocí metody Modelu sociálních vztahů (Social relation model – SRM)
Číslo: 2/2017
Periodikum: Psychologie pro praxi
DOI: 10.14712/23366486.2018.1
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In psychology, especially social psychology, we often encounter situations where people are evaluated and judged by each other or when one group of people evaluates another group. In the case of quantification of such mutual perceptions, we work with matrix relational data whose statistical evaluation is considerably complicated. For a detailed analysis of mutual evaluations, Kenny (1994) developed a methodological approach called the Social Relational Model (SRM). Given that this is not a well-known method of data analysis for us yet, and could be used in a number of areas of psychological research, this article aims to present it briefly and will refer to other important and useful resources. In addition to the basic characteristics and the main observed effects, a specific example of the use of the method in the field of group communication analysis (frequency and quality) will be given. Finally, the areas where the SRM approach could be applied will be considered.