Postanaesthetic bilateral laryngeal paralysis in a pony – a case report

Katarína Tóthová, Radovan Kabeš, Regula Bettschart-Wolfensberger

Postanaesthetic bilateral laryngeal paralysis in a pony – a case report

Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Veterinaria Brno
DOI: 10.2754/avb202493030275

Klíčová slova: Horse, anaesthesia, recovery, tracheotomy.

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Anotace: A twenty-one-year-old 420 kg pony underwent general anaesthesia for colic surgery. After recovery, the pony developed severe inspiratory stridor and collapsed. Emergency tracheotomy was performed immediately. Endoscopic examination of upper airways confirmed total bilateral laryngeal paralysis. For three months, the pony was kept alive with a non-permanent tracheostomy. Unilateral (left) laryngeal nerve recovery occurred after three months. The tracheostomy tube was removed and secondary intention healing allowed. Tracheostomy site healed uneventfully.