Termochémia vo vyučovaní na základnej škole s využitím bádateľskej metódy

Anna Drozdíková, Gabriela Klimešová

Termochémia vo vyučovaní na základnej škole s využitím bádateľskej metódy

Číslo: 2/2020
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2020.2.1

Klíčová slova: bádateľská metóda, termochémia, základná škola, didaktická rekonštrukcia

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Anotace: In our article, we discuss problems connected with teaching methods at Slovak elementary schools in the area of teaching

the topic “Termochémia”. The main aim of our research was to find out if the pupils are able to understand the basics of
exothermic and endothermic reactions, when the Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) method is used in chemistry
lessons. IBSE is based on the active involvement of the pupil in the teaching process. When choosing this method, we
also proceed from the Model of Educational Reconstruction, based on the preconceptions, and the primary experience of
a pupil with a concept. In accordance with the IBSE method, we designed worksheets for pupils on the topic Exothermic
and Endothermic Reactions. The obtained results were evaluated by both qualitative and quantitative methods. With
hindsight, we tested the pupils’ obtained knowledge by a didactic test. The results indicate the pupils are able to derive
knowledge from their own experience; they can create hypotheses, evaluate observed processes and conclude. The pupils
were active in this type of class, asking their own questions, observing and exploring. The teachers who were observers
rated the activity positively also. According to the results of the didactic test the obtained knowledge is also of a long-term
character to some degree.