Iveta Strelcova, Eva Pazderkova
Obecný postup při tvorbě rozpočtu železničních staveb
Číslo: 1/2016
Periodikum: Business & IT
DOI: 10.14311/bit.2016.01.04
Klíčová slova: Construction of railway structures, costs, price, budgeting
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This paper discusses the issue of developing a method for the budgeting of railway constructions. In the introduction, we will concentrate on the description of current railway transportation and we will explain the basic terminology related to the construction of railway infrastructure. In the first part, the paper will give a description and critical evaluation of the book „An anthology for the reconstruction and maintenance of railway constructions”, which is obligatory for all constructions that are publicly funded. Then, we will examine the differences in the rules of budgeting between railway structures and building structures. In the last part of this paper, we will calculate one budgetary indicator in order to reveal an inaccuracy in the budgeting of „An anthology for the reconstruction and maintenance of railway constructions”.