The article is devoted to determining the impact of the identified pedagogical conditions for the formation of multicultural communicative competence of future primary school teachers, including the creation of a multicultural and communicative environment in higher education; supplementing the content of professional training of future primary school teachers with a multicultural component; development and implementation of methods for the formation of multicultural communicative competence of future primary school teachers, at the level of formation of the studied competence by analyzing the results of research and experimental work. With this purpose, the stages of the pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming, control-generalizing), the object of measurement, and the expected result have been identified. Based on the selected criteria and indicators of the formation of multicultural communicative competence of future primary school teachers with the help of our developed diagnostic apparatus for determining the levels of formation of the studied quality, we compared the results of the experiment at the ascertaining and control-generalizing stages.