Václav Tatýrek, Dana Měšťanová
Transport infrastructure and logistics
Číslo: 2/2021
Periodikum: Business & IT
DOI: 10.14311/bit.2021.02.06
Klíčová slova: Transport infrastructure, storage areas, logistics areas
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At the time of the pandemic, direct supply without storage capacity turned out to be a short-term solution. Many have hence found out that it is necessary to have operational stocks, and thus storage space; the most advantageous for this purpose are warehouses. The companies either focus on the construction of their own halls, or they deal with the situation by leases in logistic centres. That is why the industrial, and warehouse real estate market is currently doing exceptionally well, with record volumes of construction, and rental activity, historically lowest vacancy levels, and significant increase in rent prices. The share of warehouse construction in the Czech Republic represents only 2 to 3% of the structure of construction in the country. When we take into account the development of the last two years, a significant increase can be expected.