Miriam Andrejiova, Anna Grincova, Daniela Marasova, Zuzana Kimakova
Experimental study of the correlation between the conveyor belt structure and the belt puncture resistance
Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Acta Montanistica Slovaca
DOI: 10.46544/AMS.v29i3.02
Klíčová slova: conveyor belt, breaker layer, conveyor belt deflection, regression analysis
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but each with a different carcass structure: without an additional antipuncture layer (breaker layer), with a single anti-puncture layer made
of the same material (polyamide), and with an extra anti-puncture
layer made of a special material (aramid). In order to achieve a
puncture, threshold values of the impact height and the weight of the
impacting material were applied. The output of this paper is the
determination of a correlation between the conveyor belt structure
and the puncture resistance of the belt. The experimental research
indicated that the anti-puncture layer (a breaker) is crucial for the
elimination of damage to the belt in the form of a puncture.