Eva Janíková, Radka Bužgová
Satisfaction with supervision of healthcare workers in relation to job satisfaction and selected characteristics of supervision
Číslo: 4/2021
Periodikum: Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
DOI: 10.15452/cejnm.2021.12.0004
Klíčová slova: health care, job satisfaction, nursing, supervision
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Design: Cross-sectional study.
Methods: The research sample consisted of staff in healthcare facilities who took care of patients / clients, and underwent supervision (n = 234). The McCloskey / Mueller Satisfaction Scale and Manchester Clinical Supervision Scale questionnaires were used.
Results: In the case of job satisfaction, a statistically significant correlation was demonstrated between the effectiveness of the provided supervision and level of job satisfaction. When comparing selected demographic characteristics, a significant difference was demonstrated between satisfaction with supervision of psychiatric staff and hospice care staff. No statistically significant difference between the groups of respondents was demonstrated in satisfaction with supervision according to level of education.
Conclusion: Our research demonstrated a correlation between satisfaction with supervision and job satisfaction. Satisfaction with supervision, in turn, depends on the workplace of the respondents. It is important to further educate staff in this area and promote the benefits of supervision in nursing practice.