Miniaturized Dual-Band Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna Using Corrugated Ground

M. Li, K. Qin, H. He

Miniaturized Dual-Band Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna Using Corrugated Ground

Číslo: 2/2016
Periodikum: Radioengineering Journal
DOI: 10.13164/re.2016.0236

Klíčová slova: Microstrip antenna, dual-band, aperture coupled, corrugated ground plane, Microstrip anténa, dvojpásmová, s clonou spojená

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Anotace: A novel dual-band aperture coupled microstrip antenna with corrugated ground plane is proposed to improve radiation performance in this letter. The dual-band operation is obtained by embedding a S-shaped slot in the radiating patch. To achieve the high gain and the reduced half power beam bandwidth (HPBW) for each frequency, the double- periodic corrugated ground plane is utilized. Both the simulation and measurement results show that the gain of the proposed antenna is increased by 4.7 dB and 5.6 dB at each frequency correspondingly and the half power beam width (HPBW) of E-plane is reduced by 140 degrees and 150 degrees, respectively.