Mirna Sebat, Juliet Salloum
Estimate the rate of shoreline change using the statistical analysis technique (EPR)
Číslo: 1/2018
Periodikum: Business & IT
DOI: 10.14311/bit.2018.01.07
Klíčová slova: Shoreline, retreat, advance, sedimentation, erosion, GIS, DSAS, EPR
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Coastal areas are naturally dynamic with the changes occurring over periods of time. To monitor shoreline changes this study has been used digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS), which is an extension for Arc GIS 10.3 software developed by USUG. Several statistical methods are used to calculate the shoreline change rate with the most commonly used being end point rate (EPR) calculations. ERP calculations are simply the rates determined based on the changes in position between the oldest and the most recent shoreline a given dataset. A total of transects built in the Al Kabir-Al Shamali river estuary have values less than zero (i.e. the value of (EPR= -2.8) shows the highest retreating and outside of the error margin (10m), while the transect lines which have positive values higher than zero (i.e. advance shows of the highest degree in the Alfaid land region). The value of EPR (+1.81) shows the advanced shoreline and the transects are shown in gradients close to the red to indicate sedimentation.