Victoria Gorkava
Directions of Improvement of the Norms of the Ukrainian Code of Administrative Offenses in Relation to the Consideration of Cases of Administrative Offenses in the Field of Traffic
Číslo: 2/2020
Periodikum: Path of Science
DOI: 10.22178/pos.55-3
Klíčová slova: administrative offense; legal proceedings; the sphere of traffic; problems, suggestions
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The article deals with actual problems of legal regulation and procedures of judicial review of cases of administrative offenses in the field of traffic. Based on the analysis of the problems, identified in this sphere of public relations, proposals are made to improve the current legislation and legal practice: to submit to a separate Chapter of the Code of Administrative Offenses procedural aspects of cases by judges, which will separate it from the procedure of consideration of these cases by other bodies (officials); to introduce, along with the general, simplified procedure for the consideration of administrative offenses; to increase the procedural term for administrative cases; to enter into the Administrative Institution the institute of suspension of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses; to allow the use of a procedural analogy in the present proceedings; to consolidate the requirement to issue and prepare a resolution on an administrative offense case in a conference room; to impose the duty of record in the handling of road traffic offenses.