Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica
Číslo: 4/2022
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Comparative Study Between Sliding Mode Controller and PI Controller for AC/DC Bridgeless Converter U...
Moayed Almobaied, Ahmed Mosa Musleh
Simulation and Laboratory Model of Small Hydropower Plant
Richard Olexa, Pavol Fedor
Review of Recent Trends in the Detection of Hate Speech and Offensive Language on Social Media
Zuzana Sokolová, Ján Staš, Jozef Juhár
Principles of Synthesizing Medical Datasets
Michal Kolárik, Lucia Gojdičová, Ján Paralič
Number-Theoretic Transform with Constant Time Computation for Embedded Post-Quantum Cryptography
Eva Kupcová, Miloš Drutarovský