Educational Financing Management at the Darul Yatama Wal Masakin (DAYAMA) Jerowaru Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia

Josianto Josianto, Sudirman Sudirman, Asrin Asrin, Mansur Hakim, Mohamad Mustari

Educational Financing Management at the Darul Yatama Wal Masakin (DAYAMA) Jerowaru Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia

Číslo: 3/2024
Periodikum: Path of Science
DOI: 10.22178/pos.102-5

Klíčová slova: Financing management; Education financing; Islamic boarding schools

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Anotace: This research aims to determine the management of raising educational funds, the use of educational funds, and the challenges in managing educational funds at the Darul Yatama Wal Masakin (DAYAMA) Jerowaru Islamic boarding school. This research uses a qualitative approach, collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques include data collection, presentation, reduction, and conclusion drawing. Checking the validity of the data uses credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. The results of the research show that: 1) The source of fundraising is obtained from businesses managed by the foundation in the form of businesses in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, gas station management, cottage cooperatives, as well as funds sourced from the community such as community self-help funds, and funds sourced from government funds such as BOS and DAK funds. 2) Meanwhile, management includes a) planning, carried out every year involving Islamic boarding school administrators, teacher councils, school committees and representatives of Islamic boarding school guardians; b) organizing, carried out by designing programs and appointing competent human resources in their field; c) implementation, carried out by determining sources of income and allocating funds; d) Supervision is carried out by requiring each institution under the foundation to prepare a financial accountability report. 3) Financial management management challenges include the development of information technology, developing community businesses, establishing many Islamic boarding schools, and competition between Islamic boarding schools.