This article focuses on the question of pious legacy in the testaments of the members of the Olomouc bourgeoisie. The main research problem of the thesis is the question whether the events of the observed period were reflected in the religiosity of the Olomouc bourgeoisie, how the pious legacies changed throughout the determined 100 years, what institutions the bourgeoisie gave preference to in their testaments and what were the sums bequeathed, whether the bourgeoisie tended to bequeath finances, or movable and immovable property, whether it cared about the use of the legacy and the specific purposes it would be used for. The question further is whether they tended to bequeath their property to Church institutions or to the poor, whether they wished to be remembered after their death and whether there is a significant difference between the testaments of men, and those of women. The article seeks to present an insight into the religious practice of the Olomouc bourgeoisie from mid 14th to mid 15th century in the context of the development of the town, and its events.