Michal Láznička
Lingvistické úlohy jako prostředek poznávání lingvistické analýzy a jazykové rozmanitosti
Číslo: 3/2019-2020
Periodikum: Cizí jazyky
Klíčová slova: linguistic problems; Czech linguistics olympiad; linguistic typology; distributional analysis; foreign language teaching
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This paper provides a brief overview of the Czech linguistics olympiad and discusses in detail
linguistic problems, tasks used in this competition. While using various phenomena from different
languages, linguistic problems presuppose neither the knowledge of these languages, nor
any knowledge of linguistic theory or methodology. Instead, the solution relies on pattern detection,
general problem-solving abilities, and analogical reasoning. I argue that they constitute
a suitable way to introduce linguistics and its methods, as well as the extent of cross-linguistic
variation. Finally, I suggest that a modified version of linguistic problems can be used to introduce
students to new grammatical constructions during second language instruction.
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linguistic problems, tasks used in this competition. While using various phenomena from different
languages, linguistic problems presuppose neither the knowledge of these languages, nor
any knowledge of linguistic theory or methodology. Instead, the solution relies on pattern detection,
general problem-solving abilities, and analogical reasoning. I argue that they constitute
a suitable way to introduce linguistics and its methods, as well as the extent of cross-linguistic
variation. Finally, I suggest that a modified version of linguistic problems can be used to introduce
students to new grammatical constructions during second language instruction.