Yuriy Skliarenko, Volodymyr Ladyka, Tetiana Drevytska, Julia Pavlenko, Victor Dosenko, Tetiana Lahuta, Ostap Drevytskyi
Identification of Polymorphism of the CSN2 Gene Encoding Beta-Casein in Ukrainian Black and White Breeds of Cattle
Číslo: 1/2023
Periodikum: Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica
DOI: 10.15414/afz.2023.26.01.39-45
Klíčová slova: breed, allele, genotype
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According to the research results, it is proved that the existing genetic structure of stud bulls of the Holstein and Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breeds enables formation of populations homozygous by these characteristics in subsequent generations.
Among the breeding stock of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, the frequency of the desired A2A2 genotype was 33-53%. It is expected to increase the frequency of occurrence of individuals with the A2A2 genotype by beta-casein in subsequent generations, especially if stud bulls homozygous by A2A2 beta-casein is used.