Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica
Číslo: 2/2019
Pro získání musíte mít účet v Citace PRO.
A performance evaluation of a multifaceted electronic voting framework
Oladotun Okediran
Basic signal processing principles for monitoring of persons using uwb sensors – an overview
Dušan Kocur, Mária Švecová, Rudolf Zetik
Stator active and reactive power ripples minimization for dvc control of dfig by using five-level ne...
Habib Benbouhenni
Internet of things unified protocol stack
Jozef Mocnej, Adrian Pekak, Winston K. G. Seah, Erik Kajati, Iveta Zolotova
Effect of rapid annealingon magnetic properties of the nanocrystalline Fe80Nb3Cu1Si6B10ALLOY
Branislav Kunca, Jozef Marcin, Peter Švec, Ivan Škrovanek
Adaptive self-tuning fuzzy backstepping controller for the control of electric vehicle with two-moto...
Ahmed Laguidi, Abdeldjebar Hazzab, Othmane Boughazi, Mohamed Habbab
Interactive tool for visualization of topic models
Miroslav Smatana, Viktória Martínková, Dominika Maršáleková, Peter Butka
Data analysis of the financial indicators of polish companies
Anna Biceková, Ľudmila Pusztová