This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the recording, reporting, and use of data pertaining to school attendance and absence in England. To establish a foundation, we outline the educational context in England, alongside an explanation of the legal framework guiding the collection and use of attendance and absence data. Subsequently, we elucidate the definition and documentation of various types of absence in England, the methodologies employed for data collection and dissemination, as well as the utilisation of this data for benchmarking purposes. Notably, attendance serves as a key performance indicator for schools, Trusts, and Local Authorities, aiming to improve the educational outcomes of young people. Through a critical examination of the current policy and practice in England concerning data on school attendance and absence, we identify strengths and weaknesses. Based on our findings, we propose additional actions to improve the consistency of data collection and foster the effective reporting and use of data to support prompt responses as needed. Through these suggestions, our endeavour is to drive continuous improvement and optimise outcomes for young people in England.