Roman Křivánek, Jan Tirpák
Geophysical Survey and Changes in the Use of the Cultural Landscape
Číslo: 1/2023
Periodikum: Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica
DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2023.1.1
Klíčová slova: geophysical surveyland use changemagnetometryresistivity measurementground penetrating radarditch enclosurehillfortsacral architecture
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data. However, the information contained in geophysical data includes a substantial volume or area of data of varying size or thickness of some diferent natural or modern anthropogenic origin (beyond archaeological interest). Like the archaeological situations themselves, these must also be identifed
and demarcated. The presented article consists of a wide range of case studies in which the result
of a specifc applied geophysical method includes both the desired interpretations of archaeological features and the diferentiation and warning of other anomalies, the origin of which may or may not
be unambiguous or related to the post-deposition processes of archaeological features. The purpose
of selecting several diferent examples of results in our paper is to point out that there are many more
consequences of anthropogenic activity hidden beneath the surface of the terrain of the contemporary
cultural landscape than just those that archaeologists have in their viewfnder. Other anomalies in specifc environments may be of natural origin or related to various geological, pedological or
hydrological changes in a site’s natural environment. This should be dealt with by the alternative
diferentiation of anomalies of various probable origins; the interpretive descriptions, diagrams or
maps should not just focus strictly on the anticipated subsurface relics of the archaeological features and situations, as these are not there alone.