In the second half of the twentieth century, the overcoming of the infuence of Kant’s philosophy on the interpretation of Luther’s theology gave the impetus to a new shift in the Luther studies. However, it also revealed the importance of the theological intuitions of the Reformer on the current philosophical-theological debate on the possibility of restoring metaphysics and ontology in particular. The study aims to present the ontological dimension and the orientation of some of these intuitions present in Luther’s commentary on the Letter to the Romans. This dimension is determined by his conviction that the revelation of the trinitarian God in Christ has shown the truth of being in general, and of human being in particular, the truth of the fact that this being is structurally related but also of the fact that, in the historical space, this relationship has to bring to date and to augment what is happeniing by means of following the Crucified and Risen Logos of the Creator, and uniting with his Holy Spirit in the communion of believers.