Ivana Magáčová Žilková
Kariérne kompetencie ako prediktory kariérneho úspechu
Číslo: 1/2018
Periodikum: Psychologie pro praxi
DOI: 10.14712/23366486.2019.3
Klíčová slova: career competencies; career success; career counseling; Slovak republic
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The presented article is focused on concept of career competencies. The aim of the research was to find a relationships between career competencies and career success. Career competencies was meaasured by the Career Competencies Indicator (CCI). Four indicators of subjective and objective career success were examined, namely, career satisfaction, perceived employability, salary and number of promotions. The sample consisted of 206 employed people with an average age of 29.45. Correlation Coefficients and Multiple Hierarchical Linear Regression was used to statistical data analysis. The results showed a significant positive relationship between career competencies and career satisfaction, perceived employability, and the number of promotions. The results of research support the importance of career competencies for successful career development.