Kristina Grumadaite, Giedrius Jucevicius
Emergence of Industrial Ecosystems in Post-Authoritarian Contexts
Číslo: 26/2016
Periodikum: Trendy ekonomiky a managementu
DOI: 10.13164/trends.2016.26.30
Klíčová slova: ecosystem approach, emergence patterns, post-authoritarian, Lithuania, industrial clusters, Ekosystémový přístup, vzory vzniku, post-autoritářské, litevské, průmyslové klastry
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Methodology/methods: review of scientific literature, case analysis.
Scientific aim: This article presents the different scenarios of cluster emergence based on cases of industrial clusters in a Lithuanian context and provides solutions for cluster emergence in post-authoritarian countries.
Findings: The analysis of scientific literature revealed the following solutions of cluster emergence in post-authoritarian contexts: 1) Large firm(s) acting as anchors for attracting smaller companies into cluster; 2) Cluster emergence as a means to serve the needs of large customer outside the cluster; 3) Cluster emergence via professional associations; 4) Cluster emergence via local business entrepreneurs; 5) Cluster emergence via local science representatives; 6) Cluster emergence through community mobilising; 7) Government as the main agent for change. The analysis of industrial clusters emergence in Lithuania revealed four different combinations of planned/unplanned non-equilibrium phenomena and the first explicit/inexplicit initiatives toward the emergence of self-organising industrial systems by analysing the cases of cluster emergence in Lithuanian context. These cases highlighted the importance of leaders-initiators that were local large or simply very experienced enterprises, groups of managers of small and medium sized enterprises, mediators-communication facilitators from non-business enterprises. These actors helped to cope with unplanned and planned non-equilibrium phenomena.
Conclusions: Since the empirical analysis concentrated only in the first stage of cluster emergence of post-authoritarian context, a further research is needed to take a deeper look at the development of industrial clusters as industrial ecosystems in post-authoritarian contexts and thus evaluate the aspects of emergence emphasised in the theoretical part of the article.