is paper aims to explore the migration of narrative elements from four medievalWelsh tales known as the Four Branches of the Mabinogi into four recent English-language novels which are part of Welsh publisher Seren’s series New Stories fromthe Mabinogion. Russel Celyn Jones’s e Ninth Wave, Owen Sheers’s WhiteRavens, Lloyd Jones’s See How ey Run, and Gwyneth Lewis’s e Meat Treebear an explicit textual relationship to the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, a textualwhole of unknown authorship. is affords an opportunity to examine the workingsof what constitutes a textual tradition, both diachronically and synchronically. earticle relies on Dutch cultural theorist Mieke Bal’s structuralist theory of narrative,on Welsh philologist Sioned Davies’s analyses of the medieval tales, and on Slovakliterary scholar Anton Popovič’s view of tradition in terms of prototexts and metatexts.e methodology chosen consists of identifying textual variables and invariables inorder to capture possible ways of examining relationships between related texts ofdifferent periods and languages within a corpus of linguistically encoded messages ofa geographically defined community.