The aim of the study was to assess the interaction of the cardiostimulation system of the patient and the source of electromagnetic interference (EMI) during the patient’s work by Holter monitoring of ECG. Finally, to analyze ECG recording and evaluate possible pacemaker (PCM) program responses to the presence of EMI. The observation was performed in the selected patient with the single-chamber conventional pacemaker during practicing of a profession in an industrial environment with a real risk of interaction with the defined source of interference. The heart rhythm was monitored with a standard Holter monitor and the measurement was repeated during three work shifts. The PCM was revised before each measurement and at the same time the programming was adjusted for monitoring purposes. The ECG record was back-analyzed and the device response to the presence of EMI was evaluated. No program response to the presence of an interfering electromagnetic field (EMF) was observed from the ECG recording analysis. This program response would manifest to abnormalities in the ECG curve (asynchronous pacing, pacing inhibition, competitive pacing). There were no events in the PCM memory indicating the effect of the EMI.