Elmira. Výskum Paula Lazarsfelda, Bernarda R. Berlsona a Williama N. Pheeho o formování volebních preferencí počas prezidentskej kampane

Roman Kollár

Elmira. Výskum Paula Lazarsfelda, Bernarda R. Berlsona a Williama N. Pheeho o formování volebních preferencí počas prezidentskej kampane

Číslo: 2/2020
Periodikum: Historická sociologie
DOI: 10.14712/23363525.2020.19

Klíčová slova: politics; presidential campaign; voting preferences; formal organizations; socio-economic status; religion; family

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Anotace: The aim of this paper is to introduce the sociological research on the topic of Dewey vs.

Truman election conducted by Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Bernard R. Berelson and William N. McPhee
in the United States in 1948. Formation of voting preferences during this presidential campaign
was the subject of the research and the population of Elmira city (n = 1029) was the object. The
research report describes the patterns of voting preferences, the social determinants (formal organizations, socio-economic status and religion) of voting behavior as well as the role of small social
groups (family, friends and co-workers) on voting preferences formation.