Helena Mašláňová, Marta Klečková
Inspirace z Českého lékopisu pro praktickou výuku chemie na střední škole
Číslo: 4-5/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2017.4.2
Klíčová slova: výuka chemie, chemický pokus, Český lékopis, chemistry teaching, chemical experiment, Czech Pharmacopoeia
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These data could be used as an inspiration for school chemical experiments. This paper presents five examples of simple and
nice experiments, which were designed on the Pharmacopoeia text basis. The description of every experiment contains not
only step-by-step process and the list of chemicals and laboratory equipment used, but also guidelines for teachers (duration
of the experiment, difficulty of the experiment and safety concerns) and some related pharmaceutical information, which
adds to the connection between chemistry education and real life.