Romana Schubertová
Vedia študenti stredných škôl vytvoriť vlastný „kľúč na určovanie rastlinných druhov“?
Číslo: 2/2017
Periodikum: Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis
Klíčová slova: morfologie listu, střední škola, projektové vyučování, určovací klíč
Pro získání musíte mít účet v Citace PRO.
The article introduces specific educational activity intended for the secondary school students. It uses elements of project-
based education in teaching of leaf morphology. Through observation of plant leafs, students identify particular characteristics
specific for leafs of particular plants. Based on such characteristics, students create a usable product—key for plant
identification, with which they can identify a particular plant. This article presents the character and goals of activity as well
as required equipment and recommended procedure.
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based education in teaching of leaf morphology. Through observation of plant leafs, students identify particular characteristics
specific for leafs of particular plants. Based on such characteristics, students create a usable product—key for plant
identification, with which they can identify a particular plant. This article presents the character and goals of activity as well
as required equipment and recommended procedure.