Klíčová slova: Lobular breast carcinoma, Gastric metastasis from breast carcinoma, Multiple colorectal metastases from breast carcinoma, Lobulární karcinom prsu, metastázy žaludku z karcinomu prsu, mnohočetné kolorektální metastázy z karcinomu prsu.
Background: Occurrence of gastric metastasis as the first symptom of breast carcinoma with a long period of latency before presentation of the primary breast carcinoma is rare. Case Report: A patient with gastric metastasis as the first symptom of lobular breast carcinoma, treated by neoadjuvant preoperative chemoradiotherapy and total gastrectomy, with complete local control. Fourteen months after presentation of the gastric metastasis a primary lobular breast carcinoma was discovered, treated by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal treatment with complete local response. Twenty-three months after diagnosis of breast cancer multiple colorectal metastases from the breast cancer occurred, which were treated by chemotherapy and hormonal treatment. Eighty-six months after diagnosis of gastric metastasis the patient died due to progression of cancer. Conclusions: Metastases to gastrointestinal or gynaecological tracts are more likely in invasive lobular carcinoma than invasive ductal cancer. The pathologist should determine whether or not they check estrogen and progesterone receptor status not simply by signet ring cell morphology but also by consideration of clinic-pathological correlation of the patient, such as the presence of a past history of breast cancer, or the colorectal localization of poorly differentiated carcinoma, which may occur less frequently than in the stomach.