Vilma Kazlauskiene, Alina Stundziene
Estimation of social discount rate for Lithuania
Číslo: 26/2016
Periodikum: Trendy ekonomiky a managementu
DOI: 10.13164/trends.2016.26.39
Klíčová slova: public investment projects, social discount rate, cost-benefit analysis, social rate of time preference, Ramsey model, Veřejné investiční projekty, sociální diskontní sazba, analýza nákladů a přínosů, sociální míra časových preferencí, model Ramsey
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Methodology/methods: The research is performed by the scientific and methodical literature analysis, systematization, time series and regression analysis.
Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to calculate the SDR based on the statistical data of Lithuania.
Findings: The analysis of methods of SDR determination, as well as the researches performed by foreign researchers, allows stating that the social rate of time preference (SRTP) approach is the most appropriate. The SDR, calculated by the SRTP approach, reflects the main purpose of public investment projects, i.e. to enhance social benefit for society, the best. The analyses of SDR determination practice of the foreign countries shows that the SDR level should not be universal for all states. Each country should calculate the SDR based on its own data and apply it for the assessment of public projects.
Conclusions: The calculated SDR for Lithuania using the SRTP approach varies between 3.5 % and 4.3 %. Although it is lower than 5 % that is offered by European Commission, this rate is based on the statistical data of Lithuania and should be used for the assessment of the national public projects. Application of the reasonable SDR let get the more accurate and reliable cost-benefit analysis of the public projects.