Zdeněk Tomeš, Monika Jandová
Přístupy k liberalizaci osobní železniční dopravy v ČR
Číslo: 1/2016
Periodikum: Acta Oeconomica Pragensia
DOI: 10.18267/j.aop.499
Klíčová slova: Railways, competition, open access, competitive tendering, direct awarding, Czech Republic, Železnice, hospodářská soutěž, otevřený přístup, výběrové řízení, přímé zadávání zakázek, Česká republika
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distinguish two types of competition – unregulated competition (competition on the market) and
regulated competition (competition for the market). Competition on the market is present on the
Prague–Ostrava route and competition for the market has been applied in a few public tenders
for subsidised services. However, the substantial part of the Czech railway passenger market has
remained closed and there is a question how to proceed with the competition development –
whether to promote competition on the market or competition for the market. Based on European
and modelling experience, there is an argument for more competition for the market.