Physical Supply and Use Tables

Jan Kovanda

Physical Supply and Use Tables

Číslo: 4/2018
Periodikum: Statistika

Klíčová slova: System of environmental-economic accounting (SEEA), physical supply and use tables (PSUT), solid waste, secondary materials, Czech Republic

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Anotace: Material flow analysis is a useful tool to measure resource use and mitigate the related problems. In order to

increase its analytical potential, it is advisable to construct physical input-output tables. (PIOT). PIOT, defined
by SEEA (UN et al., 2014), are based on two basic building stones: physical supply tables and physical use tables
(PSUT). Besides other information, PSUT include data on waste and secondary materials. We collected waste
and secondary material data for the Czech Republic, 2014, and incorporated them into various PSUT Tables.
We argue that PSUT are a useful tool for organizing and depicting these data in a clear and comprehensive
way. We constructed a Sankey diagram based on PSUT which provides some important insights into waste
and secondary material flows in the Czech Republic. These insights can be used in reports assessing waste
flows in the Czech Republic and for further shaping and updating of waste policies. We therefore think that
our argument on usefulness of PSUT for organizing data on waste and secondary materials proved valid.