Petr Nekuža, Pavla Stöhrová
Dokumentace současnosti v oblasti technického dědictví – vlivu spolupráce muzejní instituce se současným výrobním sektorem na strategii její odborné činnosti
Číslo: 1/2019
Periodikum: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo
Klíčová slova: museum documentation, contemporary documentation, technology, production, industrial companies, research activities of curators, conceptual basis
Pro získání musíte mít účet v Citace PRO.
Museums in general, and technical museums in particular, concentrate not only on the historical phenomena but also on the so-called contemporary documentation. In the case of technical museums, the focus is mainly on recording the production and transformation of the so-called manufacturing sector, i.e. industrial companies and firms, in the broad context of socio-economic and cultural phenomena. The research activities of curators of museum collections and researchers are also among the discussed topics in connection with the latest technologies, applied research, etc., including their influence on the company‘s transformations. The institutions offer their knowledge to the wider public through specific museum work. The paper summarizes and evaluates examples of relevant activities of the Technical Museum in Brno in recent years and explains the impact of these activities on the conceptual basis of the institution for the near future.