Od ordinace po veletrh – Reflexe využití aktivity role play ve výuce tlumočení

Hana Pavlisová, Michaela Trlifajová

Od ordinace po veletrh – Reflexe využití aktivity role play ve výuce tlumočení

Číslo: 3/2023
Periodikum: Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica
DOI: 10.14712/24646830.2023.35

Klíčová slova: role play; interpreter training; public service interpreting; dialogue interpreting

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Anotace: Role-playing is a well-established and widely researched method in interpreter training. In the first part of this article, we introduce its theoretical foundations, as well as some approaches to role play used in interpreter training. In the second part we share our own experience and insights from using role plays in teaching public service interpreting and dialogue interpreting in an undergraduate program. Drawing on several examples of application, we describe the use of structured, semi-structured and unstructured role plays in each class, together with the challenges they pose for the trainer and the students.