This paper evaluates outage performance of wireless energy harvesting-assisted multi-hop mobileto-mobile schemes. In our scheme, a mobile source sends its data to a mobile destination via a preestablished route, utilizing multiple intermediate mobile relays. The source and relay nodes harvest energy from a power beacon station deployed in the network, and they use this energy to transmit the data. To enhance reliability of data transmission, cooperative communication is employed at each hop, with assistance of outer mobile nodes (they are not on the source-todestination route). An incremental cooperation technique is applied at each hop, i.e., cooperative communication is only performed when the direct link is outage. Moreover, two partial relay selection algorithms are also considered at each hop. This paper calculates end-to-end outage probability of the proposed schemes over double-Rayleigh fading channels. The obtained results show that our schemes can achieve better outage performance, as compared with the conventional multihop relay scheme and a corresponding scheme that uses random relay selection at each hop.