A method of complex calculation of rational structural parameters of railway humps

Sergii Panchenko, Oleksandr Ohar, Maksym Kutsenko, Julia Smachilo

A method of complex calculation of rational structural parameters of railway humps

Číslo: 6/2018
Periodikum: Acta Polytechnica
DOI: 10.14311/AP.2018.58.0370

Klíčová slova: railway transport, gravity humps, optimization

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Anotace: The article deals with a method of complex calculation of rational structural parameters of humps at classification yards. Unlike existing methods, this method allows an implementation of the technology of guided gravity regulation of the cut speed by applying a special layout and profile arrangement. The authors believe that it will decrease the maintenance costs to refund damaged car and cargo, costs on electricity needed for the cut speed regulation and some extra charges due to demurrages caused by waiting for breaking-up at arrival yards.