Larisa Yepik, Eduard Semeshin
Material and Living Conditions and Scholarship Provision for the Students of the Sumy State Pedagogical Institute in 1930-1940
Číslo: 2/2019
Periodikum: Path of Science
DOI: 10.22178/pos.43-5
Klíčová slova: Sumy State Pedagogical Institute; students; scholarship; tuition fee; academic achievement; dormitory fee
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The article analyzes the reasons why students were deprived of scholarship, or why its size was diminished: academic debts, missing classes, violation of discipline, etc. The authors analyze the students’ situation after the introduction of compulsory tuition fee at higher educational establishments, increasing the requirements for the quality of education as the main factor in obtaining a scholarship. The article also investigates the problem of providing accommodation for students in hostels. The analysis of archival documents proves that this problem was acute in 1930-1940. It was solved gradually, sometimes without taking into account the interests of student youth. The article cites archival documents, some of which have been introduced into scientific circles for the first time.