Anna Bocková, Maroš Gápa
Možnosti transferu historických poznatkov (múzejných zbierok) do edukačného procesu
Číslo: 1/2018
Periodikum: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo
Klíčová slova: school, museum, history teaching, interaction, game principles
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The interconnection between school and museum, by means of educational interactive programs, is in the interests of both institutions. Meeting the challenge “School of history in museum“ brings into the history education the diverse aspects of learning of historical reality, operationalizes factual account and to a large extent it also entertains. The intention of this article is to point out the importance of “contact“ education – the active contact with the historical fact and the historical source, and in this sense to present some possibilities for the actual interconnection of the two “channels“ of historical teaching: school and museum as well.