Mortality Patterns during the Transformation Era in Czechia 1989–2019

David Morávek, Jitka Langhamrová

Mortality Patterns during the Transformation Era in Czechia 1989–2019

Číslo: 4/2020
Periodikum: Demografie

Klíčová slova: Mortality, life expectancy, decomposition, cause of death

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Přečíst po přihlášení

Anotace: Mortality has decreased during the era of political and socio-economic changes in society since the Velvet

Revolution in Czechia in 1989. A reduction in mortality was recorded in the period from 1989 to 2019 among
infants and the share of middle and older age groups on the decline has increased. In Czechia, infant mortality
has been reduced to one of the lowest at the level of European Union countries. Te most common death
of an infant occurs in the frst days afer birth. Te reduction in mortality rates also meant an increase in life
expectancy at birth. To study the impact of mortality of the diferent age groups on a change in life expectancy
at birth, we used a decomposition method. Moreover, we showed the decrease in a mortality dispersion in life
table distribution, nonetheless the greater degree of inequality among men compared to women persists,
and deaths have shifed to higher ages. Mortality was further decomposed into senescent and background
components based on the logistic model. Senescent mortality, which depends on age, decreased in Czechia
during the period of 1989–2019, while background mortality did not show any trend, but rather fuctuations.
Mortality from the most common causes of death from diseases of the circulatory system and malignant
neoplasms decreased.