Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica
Číslo: 3/2018
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Model for generating simple synthetic ecg signals
Pavol Dolinský, Imrich Andráš, Linus Michaeli, Domenico Grimaldi
On automatic identification of monitoring concerns implementation
Grigoreta-Sofia Cojocar, Adriana-Mihaela Guran
Towards a high-level C++ abstraction to utilize the read-copy-update pattern
Gábor Márton, Imre Szekeres, Zoltán Porkoláb
Traffic scenarios and vision use cases for the visually impaired
Judith Jakob, József Tick
Utilizing processed records of patient´s speech in determining the stage of parkinson´s disease
Michal Vadovský, Ján Paralič
Survey of control methods for DC-DC converters
Martin Lešo, Jaroslava Žilková, Milan Biroš, Peter Talian
Experimental comparison of matrix algorithms for dataflow computer architecture
Jurij Mihelič, Uroš Čibej