The publication of Amoris laetitia initiated numerous discussions in the circles of theologians who focus on the question of the possibility of sacraments for remarried divorced couples. One of the fundamental theological questions in reference to marriage is the problem of the indissolubility. The apostolic exhortation shows no chapter or any point about the indissolubility of marriage but Amoris laetitia in numerous places talks about the problem of divorce and the stable indissoluble character of marriage. The article presents doubts of Polish moral theologians with regard to the indissolubility of marriage and attempts to explain and to answer them. The problem concerns two kinds of arguments. The first one is the language and ideas used in Amoris laetitia for presenting the indissolubility of marriage. The second line concerns the impaired indissolubility of marriage, which for the Polish moral theologians is the possibility of sacraments for remarried divorced people.