The importance of mental health care has increased significantly in recent years. It is being used more by both the younger and older generations. This article focuses on the mental health of university students in the Czech Republic based on the annual reports data and data from the EUROSTUDENT 8 survey. The only official data source comes from the annual reports published by individual universities regarding students with special needs. Students with mental health problems belong to Group F, which includes Other Mental Health Problems. The number of registered students with specific needs grew by 16% on average every year between 2016 and 2022. For Group F, the numbers increased by 23% annually. More detailed data from the international EUROSTUDENT survey tracks university students' social and living conditions. The dataset contains over 10,000 observations. This paper uses binary logistic regression to look for factors that influence the mental health of university students. The results show that female students, students in humanities, students with financial difficulties, and students with some form of impairment have higher chances of mental health problems.