Kde se berou jedináčci? Faktory související s jednodětností v ČR

Hana Hašková, Radka Dudová, Kristýna Pospíšilová

Kde se berou jedináčci? Faktory související s jednodětností v ČR

Číslo: 2/2019
Periodikum: Demografie

Klíčová slova: one-child families, small families, fertility intentions, low fertility, Czech Republic

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Anotace: The article discusses the phenomenon of having a single child in the Czech Republic and summarises the existing

knowledge on this topic. Based on Census data from 2011 and representative survey data from the Life Course
2010, it analyses the factors connected with having and intending to have one child. The findings indicate that
there is a larger share of mothers with a single child among divorced women than among single and married
women of the same age, and that there are associations between being the mother of a single child and living
in a larger city and certain professional orientations and occupations. The findings also support the thesis of
the effect of values, external conditions and sequential decision-making on the intention to have a single child.