The article considers the solution of problematic issues of engineering management of poly fermentation in the study of fermentation temperature of sour-milk drink with apiproducts. In the development of fermented dairy products, the components that are part of them, changes in their composition, and properties in the interconnection are considered as a technological system. The authors took into account that food technologies based on the use of the pure culture of one microorganism are limited by the capabilities of its fermentation system systems, the ultimate goal may not be achieved even by changing the conditions and parameters of cultivation. To successfully carry out fermentation processes in the technological system, a combination of cultures, associations of microorganisms with a wide range of fermentation products in contrast to one culture is promising to use. All experimental samples on a set of indicators prevailed control ones. The leader was a sample fermented with yeast with an equal ratio of cultures at a temperature of 38 – 40 °C. The authors found that the set of indicators of finished products for the production of sour-milk drinks with a complex of apiproducts, it is necessary to choose a three-strain poly fermentation product with a congruent ratio of cultures and set optimal fermentation regimes 39 ±1ºC for 5.0 ±0.3 hours.