Marker assisted selection (MAS) is a potential tool to genetically enhance the traits of economic importance in livestock production. One of the gateways to MAS is the identification of SNPs for the desired genes. The aim of the present study was to detect SNPs in myostatin (MSTN) gene which has a negative role in growth and skeletal muscle development. Therefore, polymorphisms of the exon no 1, 2 and 3 of MSTN gene were studied in Thalli (n=10) and Pak-karakul (n=10) sheep breeds. The genomic DNA was isolated and amplified by using PCR. The amplicons were purified and sequenced. After PCR all samples were sent to Singapore for 1st base laboratory for further purification and sequencing. Sequencing analysis was done using Codon Code Aligner and MEGA 6 software’s. Mutations were observed at only exon no 1 in 50% (5/10) Thalli sheep (heterozygous G>T =3/5, synonymous =2/5) and 20% (2/10) Pak-karakul sheep (only synonymous T mutations) at 3995bp. The two alleles (A and B) were found having all the three combinations of genotypes i.e. AA, AB and BB. Allele frequencies (A+B) were 0.2 and 0.8 in Pak-karakul and in case of Thalli it was 0.5 in each. The data from the present study suggests that SNPs in MSTN gene are present. Furthermore, scope of the present study may be enhanced to establish a marker for improved mutton production through conducting association studies at large scale.