The results of the field observations and biochemical researches of plum (PrunusrossicaErem.) fruits grown in the garden of intensive type with agrogenic soil in row spacing are presented in the article. The fruits of plum breeds Kubanskaya kometa и Naidena were gathered from the trees grafted on different stocks. The influene of the stock on the trees productivity, the fruit weight and biochemical structure of the plum fruits were studied. Basic chemical analyses, ascorbic acid concentration, antioxidant activity and fruit ash content were determined. The variation limits of the parameters under study depending on the used stock were shown. The best degustation evaluation parameters were found at the combinations of Kubanskaya kometa on stocks OPA-15-2 and Novinka, Naidena on OPA-15-2 (more than 4,5 points). The high positive correlation (r= 0.92) was marked between solutable solids and sugars content.The researches about the stock influence on the plum fruits titratable acidity change we have not found.The correlation between AA and ascorbic acid content in the fruits was determined (r =0.7). The decreasing row of the elements content in the plum fruits ash is the following: K>P>Mg>Ca>Mo>Cu>S>Ni>Fe≈Si>Mn. The proportion of K is from 18.67 (Naidena/ОРА-15-2) to 27.48 (Kubanskaya kometa/Novinka); P from 3.35 (Kubanskaya kometa/seedlings P.cerasifera Ehrh. to 6.39 (Kubanskaya kometa/Novinka), Mg from 1.11 (Nnaidena/ОРА-15-2) to 2.43 (Naidena/seedlings P.cerasifera Ehrh.) and Ca from 0.39 (Naidena/13-11) to 1.85 (Naidena/OPA-15-2) mass % respectively. The proportion of the rest elements is not more than 1 mass %. Under the OPA-15-2 stock influence the trees productivity and the single fruit weight increased, solutable solids, sugars and ascorbic acid concentration in the fruit in comparison with standard stock by the seedling rootstock of alycha (PrunuscerasiferaEhrh. seedlings). While ingrafting by Novinka stocks the parameters under study decreased.