Currently, a lot of research is being done on the flavoring compounds of hops. However, much less attention has been paid to the aroma formation considering the hop polyphenol different groups by various methods at the wort hopping stage. Therefore, the main goal of the research is an impact of hopping conditions on the polyphenolic compounds, when the hop is extracted variously into both wort and water to better understand extraction conditions, mechanisms, and factors as well as aroma formation considering various groups of polyphenols. As shown the hop variety, boiling time, and treatment type affect the hop polyphenols amount extracted into the wort. Aromatics varied upon a hop variety and wort boiling time accompanying a positive softening effect regarding aroma formated from malt wort compounds comparing to hopped aqueous extracts. The research proved the most noticeable pH (7 and above) impact on aroma formation caused by the polyphenol conversion. As also shown the first time, a temperature and acidic pH doubled the rutin amount, as well as the best extraction of the prenylflavanoid isoxanthohumol, was achieved by boiling at an alkaline medium pH. The results obtained indicate that various hydrophilic amino acids containing in the wort can stabilize polyphenols affecting the quality indicators of beer produced from different grain raw materials.