The content of selected essential elements and toxic metals in feed and sheep's milk from areas with different parts of Slovak Republic was analyzed. Region of Novoť (undisturbed environment; North Slovakia) and region of Klátova Nová Ves (widely disturbed environment; Western Slovakia) were under investigation. Eleven metals have been analyzed (essential elements - calcium, zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium, copper; toxic elements - arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel). Samples of feeds and milk were collected five-times during the year (spring and autumn season). Analyses of samples were performed by certified testing laboratory Eurofins Bel/Novamann (Nové Zámky, Slovak Republic). Analyses were performed by routine methods, according to the valid methodologies. The results showed significantly higher content of selected essential elements in feed in spring season from area with widely disturbed environment (Klátova Nová Ves). Significantly higher content of essential elements in milk was on farm of Novoť (undisturbed environment). Occurrence of toxic metals in feed from area with widely disturbed environment in spring season did not affect their content in milk. It can be concluded, that the use of milk of sheep from these areas for direct use or for dairy products processing is appropriate, safe and poses no health risk for the consumers.